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Athlete Neuroplasticity Reset
Sports Psychology Program 
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ANR - Athlete Neuroplasticity Reset , an original program created by former professional athlete and sport psychology consultant Belinda Halloran, to help athletes adapt their perspective on the way they see themselves as an athlete and how they perceive performance. This program was created via  academic research in sports psychology, behavioral science and neuroplasticity and combined with over 20 years experience in elite sport at the highest compeitive level. 


With a combination of sessions with Coach B and specific brain exercises, the aim is to reach an ability to be fluid, calm and focused under external and internal stress of performance by adapting how you perceive your training and performance environment and how you interpret the challenges that come with it. 


My program incorporates neuroplasticity exercises that are implemented following a discussion on set topics to help the athlete form “new habits”  which in turn will become unconscious in performance. 


My work with athletes in sport psychology to date has shown that talking, prompts and cues are not sufficient in establishing permanent change as the brain has been conditioned, via years of training and exposure, to think a certain way and this is what the athlete reverts to via established neural pathways.


Traditional sports psychology helps to provide a short term reframe but can be inconsistent and requires conscious effort from the developing adolescent athlete brain. This in itself is incredibly difficult and exhausting for youth athletes and in turn develops dependence on the Sport Psych or Mental Performance Coach.


ANR works on the sub conscious and helps the brain  create new neural pathways which are then reinforced with information necessary to excell in athletic performance. 


This pro active approach empowers the athlete to prepare mentally as they would another training session to be ready for any situation that they may face. 


ANR is for Elite athletes. It is not a program for the uncommitted. Like physical strength training,  ANR requires application, repetition, time and the athlete will be required to complete bi-weekly meetings, the brain exercises, and application in practice and performance environment.  


An outline of what your program will consist of:



  1. Evaluation & analysis 

  2. Developing a system

  3. Conceptualization of success 

  4. Environment Interpretation

  5. Performance persona - its all an act !

  6. Resilience to obstacles and challenges 

  7. Interpretation of Coach & support behavior

  8.  Beyond performance- training your brain to exceed body’s current capabilities. 



ANR not only aims to create lasting change in performance mentality but it strengthens and grows the athletes capacity for critical thinking and provides a foundation from which the athlete can pivot into other areas of life. 


Once the athlete develops and understands the frame work for creating and sustaining a successful mentality , this formula can be repeated again and again by the athlete in every sporting or new environment. Just like a physical training program 


Sign up for an Introductory meeting with

Coach B.

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